Tuesday, October 26, 2010

#16 Read a Jane Austen Book - Done

My book of choice - "Emma".

I had already seen the movie version of "Pride and Prejudice" so I wanted to read something that I knew nothing about. I think I started this book my birthday weekend and 438 pages later, just finished it! With the proper and old language used, it isn't one of those books that I could read a few pages here and there or that I could read when I was tired. That, combined with the fact that I was reading a few other books in between then and now, led to it to take nearly five months for me to finish the book! I did enjoy it - particularly the last half. I have to admit however, that I cannot wait to start reading a more easily-understandable/more modern (ie: published after 1815) book! I don't know which one yet, but I'm excited to be able to pick a new one!

Fun fact - I learned that the movie "Clueless" was based on this book. I need to watch the movie again to see for myself, but for now I would say that the movie must be very loosely based on the book!

Monday, September 13, 2010

#15 Get a Promotion - Check

Months after finding out, it is now official at work that I got a promotion. A very well-deserved promotion, I might add.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


I am a very results-now kind of person so setting goals for this year that were not immediately attainable was difficult for me. However, I do like looking at my list and seeing that I am working towards completing many of them. Also, I have done things that Travis had said "You should've put that on your list". Things like mowing a lawn for the first time and visiting Hager Park for the first time (I know, I can't believe I'd never been to Hager Park before last week!). So, here is my progress:

2. Run a 5k - I've been out running and working up to it, but I need to be more diligent so I can do one before the snow comes!

4. Take a trip with Travis - We are going to Niagara Falls for our 1st anniversary!

11. Cut credit card debt in half - Okay, so this might be hard to measure since I never added this up to have a "before" amount...but we have been working REALLY hard at saving money and paying things off. I am really proud of us!

12. Find a new church - I had been researching churches in the Jenison/Grandville area for a while and visited my first one last week for a church service. While I don't think it is "the one", I think I've gotten over my jitters of walking into a new church where I don't know anyone.

14. Finalize design for our wedding album - Sent my feedback on the first version to the photographer a couple of weeks ago!

16. Read a Jane Austen book - I am 1/3 of the way through "Emma"...I really like it, but it is difficult to find (or make) time to read and to find a place in our house that is quiet. Normally I can read anywhere at any time but with its more formal language, "Emma" requires some concentration and thought while reading. I have a whole list of books I want to read next - so I am determined to finish this book yet this summer!

21. Raise money for ALS Association - I have raised $150 so far through donations from family for the ALS Walk which I will be participating in on Saturday, October 10th. And if anyone wants to make a donation, go here: http://web.alsa.org/goto/jessicathompson

The 21-year-old brother of one of our friends died this past week - please keep them in your prayers. And hug those you love <3

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

#18 Visit Brother on Mackinac Island - Done

My brother Ryan is working on Mackinac Island this year at Stone Cliffe Inn as a waiter at its restaurant. He worked on Mackinac Island when he was younger and then returned last year. Although I'm sure he enjoys our visits, he really doesn't like playing "fudgie" all day with us! Fudgie is the term that the Islanders use to describe tourists on the Island.

Travis and I set off to my parents' house in Lansing around 4:30am and then my mom drove us and my 11-year-old nephew (my brother Ryan's son) up to St. Ignace. We got on the ferry and my brother was waiting for us on Mackinac Island...as well as my cousin Bill, his wife Kat, and his son Billy (they are from Tennessee so we only get to see them once a year if we're lucky). It was a great surprise that they were there. We were joined by my brother's girlfriend and later by my aunt so we were a mini mob of 10! First, we ate lunch. Here are my brother and nephew at Goodfella's.
Then we rented bikes and rode all 8 miles around the Island. Because it was our first time as a married couple being on the Island, Travis and I decided to go with the tandem! At first I thought we were going to crash but it was easy once we got the hang of it.
We had so much fun, enjoyed the beautiful weather, and really soaked up time with the family. I saw my sweet nephew nearly every day of his life for the first few years so I have a special place in my heart for him and always will. He is the most amazing kid, with a big, open, caring heart. The highlights of my year are getting to spend time with this little boy. Travis knows how much I truly love Sam and I can tell how much Travis loves him too by the light in his eyes when he hears Sam call him "Uncle Travis". Hearing the two of them giggling together just about brings tears to my eyes.
Anyways, we only stayed for the day and then departed on the ferry and spent the next day and a half at the now-infamous Burnett's Camp. Here is a picture of us day-trippers in front of the replicated Burnett's Camp sign (the original said "Late 1800's) I mentioned in a prior post.
Here's to a wonderful mini-vacation, seeing my big brother for his birthday, and crossing something off my list!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

#25 Volunteer in the Community - 2nd Time Around

The company where I work turns 100 years old next month so for the past year (our "Centennial Year") s part of the year-long celebration all offices have been partcipating in "100 Good Deeds", a program whose goal is to perform a minimum of 100 good deeds over the course of the year through community service projects across the country. The initiative is a thank you to the communities where our offices are that have supported our company.

That said, my 2nd volunteer experience toward my goals was for an organization called Kids Food Basket in Grand Rapids. Kids Food Basket provides sack suppers during the school year (and sack lunches during the summer) to kids who otherwise would go from lunch (which is paid through government subsidies for low-income families) to breakfast (if subsidized) or lunch the next day. KFB not only feeds these students, but makes sure that each sack lunch/supper contains one serving of fresh fruit or vegetables, a granola bar, a 100% fruit juice box, granola bar, sandwich with protein, and a healthy snack such as trail mix or pretzels. On average, 2,500 sack suppers were provided each day to students in 26 schools last year. There are 13 more schools on the waiting list to be approved (KFB serves schools where 80% or more of students live at or below the poverty level), which means there is a HUGE need in the Grand Rapids area.

I first heard of the organization about a year ago, and I will be honest, it was an issue that I had never thought about or ever knew existed. I am grateful for people who see a need and do something about it and for people who recognize how important childhood years are to proper physical and developmental growth. Kids Food Basket was founded by Mary K. Hoodhood; she recently recieved the Presidential Citizens Medal, the second highest honor a civilian can receive, for her work.

My group made 1,600 bologna sandwiches...which is a lot of bologna! A 10-year old boy had his birthday party there that night so he and his friends helped with bagging the fresh tomatoes and the pretzels. I told the boy's parents that it was a great thing to have kids volunteer and they said their son wanted to do it all on his own - so all his friends brought donations to KFB instead of gifts for him and gave their time to help others. If that doesn't warm your heart, I don't know what will!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

#9 Visit Burnett's Camp - Done

Travis, Maverick, and I spent a long weekend over the 4th of July holiday at Burnett's Camp with my mom, Aunt Jane, and Uncle Bill. We also just spent one night there this past weekend with my mom, Aunt Jane, her dad Joe, brother Ryan, cousins, Travis, and my nephew. 

Burnett's Camp is located just outside of Naubinway, Michigan in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. Fun fact, the upper-most point of Lake Michigan is located in Naubinway.
Burnett's Camp is actually the name of my Aunt Jane & Uncle Bill's cottage on Lake Michigan. My relatives are originally from the UP so ever since I was very little all my relatives would meet for vacation in the UP. It was very special since all my cousins lived in Texas and this was the only time I got to see them every year. Since my extended family and parents are members of the Hiawatha Sportsman's Club in Engadine, Michigan, we used to stay at the club cabins on the Hiawatha property. These are the club cabins:
Then, in 1999 my aunt and uncle (from Texas) decided to purchase a cottage in Naubinway. We went from the club cabins to:
And then after a major renovation, to this:
Gorgeous!! This is the view from the deck out onto Lake Michigan:
Falling asleep to the sound of waves crashing is amazing, walking the beach is peaceful, and it is just so serene, calming, and restorative. The house is beautiful, the surroundings are breathtaking, but its truly the people who are there who make it my very favorite place. My aunt and uncle and cousins hold a very special place in my life; I look up to them, respect them, and they have always looked out for me and taken such good care of me. Burnett's Camp is my heaven on earth and one place where I truly feel safe.

P.S. "Burnett's Camp" was the name of a lumber camp on the Hiawatha Club property owned by relatives of mine that was established in the 1800's. There is a sign on the club property showing where the camp used to be and every year my cousins and I would get our pictures taken by the sign. So naturally when my aunt and uncle bought the cottage, they had a sign replicating the original.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

#6 Be in a Friend's Wedding - Done

Travis called this goal cheating since I already knew that it would happen. But there isn't anything wrong with a few easily-attainable goals, is there? Plus, it is a such a special and memorable experience to be in a friend's wedding. Here is the friend:
Maranda and I have been friends since we were in 6th grade and we had every single class together at DeWitt Middle School. We have been inseparable since then and have made more memories than I could ever remember. She is the most genuine and caring person I know and always knows how to have a good time. She is a dedicated friend and truly the most self-less person I know. Here is the boy:
They met freshman year of college at MSU and were good friends but didn't start dating until a year ago. Though I don't know Doug well, I know that he makes my friend happy and that he treats her well - and what more could I ask for? He really is a stand-up guy and I'm so happy Maranda found him. Through a very strange series of connections we share a lot of the same high school and college friends - which means I was beyond excited for the wedding weekend!
The wedding was at a cute bed & breakfast in DeWitt called Rosewood Inn, which is just stunning. Both the ceremony and reception were outdoors and the weather couldn't have been more perfect. Maranda looked amazing and was way calmer than I was on my wedding day (and everyone said that I was calm!)
Here's to the newlyweds - who are moving to China in less than a month!